Vaccination Requirements
Incoming Seniors (class of 2023): All students entering 12th grade must have a second MCV by the first day of school. The first dose was given in 7th grade. The SECOND DOSE is due by August 30, 2022, the first day of 12th grade, 2022-23 school year.
If you are unsure if your child had this vaccine, please contact your primary healthcare provider for the date to be electronically sent to the school nurse via one of the following options:
email: (Lisa Bishop)
fax: 215-830-1581
mail: Upper Moreland HS, 3000 Terwood Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090
3. If the second MCV vaccine has not been completed, please make an appointment to have it done by August 30, 2022. If your child had the vaccine at 16 years or older they only need one.
Please see the FLYER for School Vaccination Requirements for attendance in Pennsylvania Schools.
Immunization requirements:
CLICK HERE FOR English Requirements
CLICK HERE FOR Spanish Requirements