Intermediate School Flexible Instruction Day

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of Intermediate School Students, 

Due to inclement weather, the Upper Moreland School District is participating in a Flexible Instructional Day on _________________

Flexible Instructional Day Information

Teachers have created instructional activities/worksheets for students to complete during the Flexible Instructional Day (FID).  This packet of assignments can be found in your child’s take home folder. Teachers will be holding office hours throughout the school day and will be available by email.  

Your child’s teacher(s) will be providing families with their office hour times and/or additional information regarding the assignments.  Students will be asked to complete the Flexible Instructional Day assignments and turn them in to their teacher(s) when they return to school.  

If your child completes these assignments, they will be marked present and receive credit for the school day.  Your child will be marked absent if they do not complete the assignments. 

Thank you in advance for your support. 


UMIS Administration