Free & Reduced Meal Program

Program Information:

Upper Moreland School District provides additional benefits to the students/families who qualify for Free/Reduced Meals and have received a Notification of Eligibility for meal benefits for the current school year. After applications are processed for the new school year and your application is approved as qualified, you will receive a Notification of Eligibility email with a link to the Sharing of Information Waiver/Consent Form. The Sharing of Information Waiver Form needs to be completed and sent back to the Food Services main office. This form allows the Food Services Department to release your child(ren's) name(s) to the school’s administrators and other staff to waive fees or prvide a decreased cost on programs such as activity fees, testing fees and field trips.  If you have applied and do not qualify, you will receive a letter of Notification of Denial and the additional incentives do not apply.  APPLY TODAY @ to see if you are eligible for these additional incentives!

How to Apply for a Meal Benefit:

Each school year a new application must be submitted unless you receive a Notification of Benefits letter from us in July/August stating that your child(ren) will receive free school meals. You may apply anytime throughout the school year.  You can now apply online! Please visit Online is the fastest way to apply for free/reduced school meals. Your application will be processed within 24- 48 hours, max up to 10 days.

Translated Applications:

Foreign language translations of the Prototype Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals are available on School Cafe.  Alternatively, you can use the USDA website