Volunteering in UMTSD

Upper Moreland Township School District values the contributions made by all of its volunteers and appreciates the time and effort provided by you to support the students and staff of the school district.

Legislation in Pennsylvania requires community members and parents/guardians to obtain clearances to volunteer in our schools. Please refer to District Policy 916 to learn about volunteer requirements. 


Email Human Resources

Community members applying to volunteer in the Upper Moreland School District will need to first register online.  Additionally, volunteer applicants will need to obtain clearance to volunteer in schools.  This includes but is not limited to chaperones, classroom/event volunteers, Home and School Association members, Booster Club, Music Patrons, post-prom, volunteer coaches, and library assistants.

Once you are approved to volunteer at UMTSD, you may choose to volunteer not only in your child’s school but for any volunteer opportunity within the District.  Volunteers must be approved for specific events by school administrators. 

  • New volunteers:  Clearances for new volunteers must be dated within one year of submission (No Exceptions). Clearances expire after five (5) years.

  • Upper Moreland Township School District students under 18 years of age do not need clearances.

  • Contractors and/or those being paid by the School District should contact the Business Office for individual contracts, required clearances, and tax forms. 

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Requirements / Clearance Information

STEP 1: Process the ONLINE Volunteer Application

  • Organization Code is UMSD

STEP 2: Obtain Clearances

        *All clearances must be uploaded during the online application process.

  • State Police Criminal History Record – Act 34 (Dated within the last one year)

  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance – Act 151 (Dated within the last one year)

  • Federal Criminal History Background Check (Fingerprinting) – Act 114 (Dated within the last one year)

    • OR Affidavit if you have lived in Pennsylvania for ten or more years

      • If you have NOT been a resident of Pennsylvania for ten consecutive years, you will need to be fingerprinted (fee charged) at an IdentoGO location.

      • The service code for the FBI clearance is 1KG6ZJ.

  • TB test results (Results must read negative and be dated within the last 90 days)

    • Prior to approval, all volunteers working ten (10) or more hours per week in direct contact with students shall complete a Tuberculosis Screening Report, the results of which will be reviewed and signed by the School District nurse, family doctor, or county health personnel. If assessment results indicate the need for testing for TB infection, testing must be completed and confirmed as negative before the volunteer is cleared for service. The cost of the examination will be the responsibility of the volunteer candidate.

    • A tuberculosis test is not required annually if a volunteer’s service to the school or the District is continuous (at least one occasion of volunteering annually). All new volunteers serving 10 hours or more per week will be required to obtain a tuberculosis (TB) test.

For assistance with the online volunteer registration, click on the Volunteer Guide for an overview or contact Human Resources Specialist, Matthew Mastrogiovanni (mmastrogiovanni@umtsd.org) for support.

For additional questions, email Human Resources at hr@umtsd.org